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- ConTanimeT 1992 October 2-4, 1992.
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- 1993 Anime Day File 3 The Con that bit its tongue.
- ContAnimeTed October 22-24, 1993
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- 1994 Anime Day: FLASHBACK (Memories of Macross)
- D-CONTAMINET 14th -16th October 1994
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- ReConTanimeTed 3-5 NOVEMBER 1995
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- PROJECT L-CON, - L-KCon, - L-Kon, 18th. June
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- AnimeUK Magazine December 1991
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Sunday, 14 July 2013
More on Comic Book stores
Our Local Heroes were people who ran
comic book stores.
Manager Lance Fielder from 'Another
World' comic book store (specialists importers of Science fiction) in

['Protoculture Addicts' started with
only 6 fanzines by the end of 1989, this would only grow and grow,
more on this later..!]
[With some very well known Fan Clubs
from America; C/FO (Cartoon/Fantasy Organisation), Anime Hasshin (run
by Lorraine Savage), and Earth Defence Command (EDC) – just a few
of the clubs in all, and I must say that many individuals and
organisers help support the UK Anime fandom, and are in touch to this
[Note: started to find more details here EDC & Anime Hasshin.]
[Note: started to find more details here EDC & Anime Hasshin.]
picking up the two fanzines together MekTek 2 (Summer 1988) &
MekTek 3 (Summer 1989) from 'Another World' comic book store in
Leicester in the winter1989, these yearly British FanZines centred on
Battle Suit Warfare games mainly BattleTech with new rules and
scenarios for players, and surprisingly a follow-up on the Japanese
roots of these Giant robots used in the games, edited by Ashley
Watkins, with contributions such as the Stunning black & white
Artwork by Steve Kyte
(Patlabor, Macross), and the many reviews from Helen McCarthy on Manga and Anime in the UK.
(Patlabor, Macross), and the many reviews from Helen McCarthy on Manga and Anime in the UK.
think 'MekTek 3' told us about an up and coming Science fiction
Convention over the Easter weekend April 14th & 15th 1990 (note:
this will be ground Zero for the UK Anime Fandom as I would know
wrote to Ashley Watkins in November of 1989, and got a reply in
January 1990 with flyers for EastCon 90 and the contact details for a
very busy lady, by the name of Helen McCarthy (we have been Anime
friends ever since).]
forgetting the early form of Etiquette the Stamped Self Addressed
Envelope (SSAE), this also enabled the recipient to reply a lot
think of it.....the time it took to gather this information and then
publish it once a year, if Wiki or Google was down for just a day the
shock would reverberate across the internet and smart-phones, how
like sheep have we become trusting on the reliance of technology?!]
[More on these pioneering fanzines will
come later..!!]
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