90's Fans questionaire.

90's Fans questionaires.

Some of these Anime Kyo UK's Club questionnaires have survived from1991 to1995 or so.
I am painstakingly adding the relevant details of how old fans were at the time; what Anime Film or OVA was their favourite; what Anime Series was popular, and the 4 most popular Manga of the day.

[Note: I started this in January 2014, and so far I have only entered 103 examples, Dyslexia makes a poor data entry clerk. With 30 or more to go, it's going to take some time.] 
Other patterns will emerge, and we will get a good idea of how it was back in the 90's for Anime & Manga fans.


  1. I have a huge collection of anime fanzines from the 70s through the 90s, such as NewType and Anime UK. These include a number of the official Kitty Animation Circle fanzines. Would you be interested in the paper zines or the scans of them?

    1. Hi Dave, thanks for the comment, I will get back to you sometime.

    2. Hello Dave, sorry for the late reply, life has been difficult, I now have terminal Cancer 2021 was up and down. Please scan and create what you can of those old zines...

  2. Hey, I remember filling this in. I was joined around 94 when I was 14 or 15. Would be amazing if you still had mine.

    1. Yep! Membership number DB393 joined April 1994 (age 16?) Favourite Anime = Akira, and Macross II, and Favourite Manga Battle Angel Alita.
