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Thursday, 27 June 2013
The Robot invaders continued - Robotech Defenders & BattleTech
Revell tried to wrap a story around
these unconnected lines of model kits with DC Comics release of a
pilot comic book (to test the water) running 3 issues, entitled
“Robotech Defenders” to
boost sales, but it had such a poor reception, and sales after the first issue that the second issue included the third and
final part of the story and even boasted 32 pages with NO ADS!
Dougram, Ironfoot, Blockhead, Bigfoot, Roundfacer, Bushman, Mackeral.
Only 'Fang of the Sun Dougram' robot\mecha designs were used.
Dougram, Ironfoot, Blockhead, Bigfoot, Roundfacer, Bushman, Mackeral.
Other imported SF scale model kits;
IMAI's original SF character range "Megaro ZAMAC" 1/144 and 1/720 scale model kits.
"Megaro ZAMAC" had NO tie-in with an Animation, but had a story narrative to encourage your imagination, with pilot characters!
1/144 Scale "Megaro ZAMAC"
1/144 Scale "Megaro ZAMAC"
One importer (newly discovered, I found them on e-Bay in October 2022) from North America, had repackaged and branded the "Megaro ZAMAC" line of plastic model kits... As!
LASER WARRIORS (trade mark 1984)
LASERFOX (trade mark 1984)
[aka. YA-25 JHA-GIGA (MEGARO_ZAMAC B-1185)
HARRIER BEAM RIDER (trade mark 1984)
[original name GERWALK HARRIER with 'Witch Lu' decal 1/100 (1982)]
DREDGE (trade mark 1984)
[aka. XS-14 DA-WEB (MEGARO_ZAMAC B-1188)
PHANTOM INTRUDER (trade mark 1984)
[unknown original name 1/100 (1982) ]
SKY VIPER (trade mark 1984)
[aka. ZF-31 VA-GAL (MEGARO_ZAMAC B-1186)
CYBERHAWK (trade mark 1984)
[aka. YP-23 MA-DRUM (MEGARO_ZAMAC B-1187)
STARBEAM DEFENDERS (trade mark 1984)
DEEP SKY DESTRUCTORS (trade mark 1984)
"CYBERHAWK is one of the heroic STARBEAM DEFENDERS most important robots. His infra-red receptors constantly scan to uncover invaders of any dimension. With his boost-glide arm-jets CYBERHAWK can make short-range flight-jets, soaring in pursuit of the dreaded DEEP SKY DESTRUCTORS
CYBERHAWK'S mighty metal talons grasp and crush opponents in combat or he can fire his twin chest-mounted laser cannon."
"LOOK for other exciting LASER WARRIORS"
NEW box art as well as photographs of the completed and fully painted model, in comparison to the Japanese original!
A transforming plane;
Harrier Beam Rider.
"This ultra-speed fighter travels on narrow £tracks" of light, and recharges its spark chambers by orbiting the glowing refuelling station above the planet DYMAXIA TM.. Armed with a laser cannon, hand-held laser gun and a supplemental weapons pods, the Harrier is the principal spacecraft of the heroic STARBEAM DEFENDERS (TM) in their conflict with the evil DEEP SKY DESTRUCTORS (TM). It patrols space for the FEDERATED STAR ZONE (TM.) but can change in a centisecond into a land-walking BATTLE STALKER (TM)."
CYBERHAWK (trade mark 1984)
LASERFOX (trade mark 1984)
PHANTOM INTRUDER (trade mark 1984)
SKY VIPER (trade mark 1984)
DREDGE (trade mark 1984).
An odd choice to make the cover Box Art Vertical, and not keep the Horizontal aspect.
The Decals were changed..
The NEW Decals by MPC
December 1984
Below is, TESTOR's 1/200 Scale kits that are only from MACROSS Anime, and do not feature any other franchise, such as
Inside there is 1 Unassembled plastic model kit;
1/200 Scale Fighter VF-1J from the MACROSS Series.
ITEM No. 0018
Pitaban Type
[note: there is a gold sticker on the top of the box, with a seahorse Logo "TATSUNOKO PRODUCTIONS"]
"Without paint, your robots are just defenceless hunks of plastic.
With 'Testor' finishing materials your robot can look like the one on the front of the package...or anything you can imagine.
In addition to spray and bottle paints, there is the new paint maker as well as brushes, cement, sanding film and hobby knife."
Still with the design's Original name "Destroid Defender".
1/200 Scale model from the MACROSS Series.
[NOTE: R.O.B.O.T. kits were the exact ones used by BATTLETECH's "plastic model kits series", keeping the 1/200 scale for manufacturing.]
[NOTE: Assemble Pitaban display as shown. (green oval plastic) Assemble suction cup parts. Fit suction cup onto back of screw. Moisten and attach to window or other flat surface.]
[NOTE: Shows fully completed model with name "FIGHTER VF-1J" STOCK NUMBER: 0018]
[UPDATE: 2022 has seen model kits brought from E-Bay. And there are from what I remember from my 'Battletech' 2 model kits, as I did wonder at the time why it had a screw and a suction cup - having NO green oval for display.]

The game itself took many Japanese mecha
designs to fill its universe of 32nd
century combat, and by 1986 had successfully released the first
“BattleTech” novel, (and to date there are over 100 novels
published). [more on BattleTech at a later date]
Artwork on the front of the box depicts a 'Warhammer' BattleMech (aka Tomahawk Destroid)
[NOTE: Design taken from - Super Dimension Century Macross (Anime) 1982.]
Back of the box is a 1/144 scale model labelled Wolverine (aka. Blockhead),
and a 1/200 scale model labelled Goliath (aka Crab Gunner)
[NOTE: Design taken from - Fang of the Sun, Dougram (Anime)1981.]
Back of the box is a 1/200 scale model labelled WASP (aka. Valkyrie VF-1s Bioroid),
and a 1/200 scale model labelled Goliath (aka Valkyrie VF-1s Gerwalk)
[NOTE: This kit includes the Scenario 'CITY FIGHT', was with this second-hand kit.]
[NOTE: Design taken from - Super Dimension Century Macross (Anime) 1982.]
Back of the box is a 1/200 scale model labelled Marauder (aka. Tactical Pod Glaug ),
and a 1/200 scale model labelled Ostroc Mk. II (aka Regult )
[NOTE: Design taken from - Super Dimension Century Macross (Anime) 1982.]
recall scrutinising these transfers\decals (semi transparent stickers, that
added detail to a finished model) that came with this model kits that
had Japanese writing, and the odd cartoon like characters pictured on them! Then came the table-top board games of combat!
Combat Armor design taken from the 1982 Anime 'Super Dimension Century Macross',
and depicts the Tomahawk Destroid
Combat Armor design taken from the 1982 Anime 'Super Dimension Century Macross',
Combat Armor design taken from the 1981 Anime ' Fang of the Sun, Dougram',
and depicts the Dougram.
The Battletech game of fighter combat.
Depicts the “Siren” space fighter from the Animated movie "Crusher Joe".
(Battletech Corsair Aerospace Fighter).
The Battletech game of fighter combat.
Depicts the “Harpy” space fighter from the Animated movie "Crusher Joe".1983
(Battletech's Corsair Aerospace Fighter).
Aerotech Rulebook cover.
Combat Armor design taken from the 1981 Anime ' Fang of the Sun, Dougram',
and depicts the Dougram.
The now labelled artwork designs "Unseen", here are a few examples of their origin's;
AEROTECH (The Battletech game of fighter combat), had taken the “HARPY” space fighter from the Animated movie "Crusher Joe" (1983), and renamed it as the Battletech's Corsair Aerospace Fighter, and used it in such a way as it was the recognisable Logo\icon for AEROTECH in 1986.
Battletech second edition box-art had taken designs from the 1983 animated movie "Crusher Joe", and renamed the 'Ostall', as the Locust.
CITYTECH the Urban combat game, had its now recognisable Logo\icon of what it called the 'Archer', taken the 'Destroid SPARTAN' design from the animated series 'Super Dimension Century Macross'.
Destroids 'Defender' & 'Tomahawk' designs from the 1982 animated TV series 'Super Dimension Century Macross'.
Battletech Second edition telling us that it is the Second edition of Battledriods, had taken designs from the animated series 'Super Dimension Century Macross', and Battletech's New Second edition box-art focused on designs from the 1983 animated movie "Crusher Joe", and rescaling the 'Ostall', as the Locust.
Another now recognisable Logo\icon of the BATTLETECH series was the design of the DOUGRAM combat armour, taken from the 1981 Anime TV show 'Fang of the Sun, Dougram',
Crusher Joe Mecha as Battletech model Kits:- the “Galleon” Tank (kept its name for Battletech).
a fan of Science Fiction I used to subscribe to a British magazine
from my local newsagent called “Space Voyager”, about 1982 –
1986, issue 6 (December 1983\January 1984), and issue 7 (Febuary\March 1984) would be of interest.
[Now see update below]
magazine was devoted to science fiction and science fact (the space
program), including movies, and TV shows, and their Special effects
that were mostly scratch built models, also games and art. There
were lots of photos and art, even some in colour.
I can vividly remember a back cover of one of these magazines having
a colour photograph of one of these giant robotic war machines with
cannons instead of arms, and inside was a full page advert from a
company called 'Taylor & McKenna' importing Japanese robot (Mecha) kits made by Imai & Ban
Dai, my eyes widened looking at something so cool (now a bit geeky),
with wonderful names like Destroid Tomahawk, Tactical Pod Glaug,
Nousjadeul Ger, and Armored Valkyrie these kits all had the Logo of
“Macross” my curiosity was now peaked!
it is now 25\07\2017 and I have managed to buy 4 issues of 'Space
Voyager' from a nice chap in Dublin, numbers 6,7,8, and 17 (these
were just on the off chance that they had photos of Robot model kits within their
pages, as I had only seen the front covers). I can now add some dates
and photographs\scans.]
Voyager magazine looks to have started in 1982 and was a quarterly
for the first 4 to 5 issues, until 1983 when it went to a bimonthly
(6 issues a year), by the middle of November (1983) issue 6
(December 1983\January 1984) was on sale, With soon to be well known
shop that to this day, still specializing in Science Fiction &
Fantasy ephemera! Other prominent adverts that are of interest are a
full page ad. From Taylor
& McKenna, Jones
Models (of Chiswick, London), HARROW The model Shop, and importers
AMERANG (Sussex). 1983\1984 was indeed a year of Japanese Giant
Issue 6 of the British magazine 'Space Voyager' 1983.
The Sheffield Space Centre Ad. 1983.
Taylor and McKenna Ad. 1983
Model shops Ads. (sadly closed down many years ago).
AMERANG Ad. 1983
Issue 7 of the British magazine 'Space Voyager' (February\March 1984).
with issue 7, you had a full colour back cover of the 'Destroid
Tomahawk' from Macross a Japanese cartoon, built and photographed by
Steve Archibald and what a joy it was to find this magazine again!
As with many niche magazines sales and costs kept most of its pages
Black & White, and in the small print of the Contents Page “new
range of Macross robot models from Japan, - See p57 for more details”.
What you would not fail to miss is a double page spread (Pages 10-11) entitled 'MACROSS – We look at the latest plastic kit craze from japan'.
article states that “Macross is currently a big cartoon series in
Japan. Set in the future the adversaries battle it out for control
of the World using a wide variety of machines.”
[NOTE: This is not the
case, the 40 foot plus tall mechanical robots are with their pilots
to fight against Alien Invaders called Zentradi, and the conflict
would soon move to space for most of the series.]
do agree that “As these are War machines, the technique used should
be the same as painting something like a WW2 tank.”, and I could
image a gritty future for these bipedal War machines, as these models
were a Science Fiction breakthrough at the time, nothing quite like
them had been seen in the UK, but as model kits the article also
states that “These kits could also prove extremely useful when
scratch-building space craft models.” and with regards the Macross
Factory kit (1/100th.
scale) “ There is a wealth of bits and pieces in this kit alone and
scratch-builders will have no difficulty in incorporating them into
other even more exotic creations.” so I do not (in retrospect) see
the enthusiasm for these NEW SF models kits?!
[NOTE: In 2022, I have managed to buy a few plastic model kits dating from the early 1980's via e-Bay, some have colour promotional prints.]
[NOTE: See the Macross Factory kit (1/100th. scale) from REVELL, and the 30th. anaversity reproduction of the very same scale model kit, that feature 2 mecha; the now visually insanely recognizable 'Destroid Tomahawk', and a 'Armored Valkyrie VF-1A'. With scale figures of maintenance crew, and support vehicles.]
1983 - 1984!
Beatties hobby& model shops across the UK in the early 1980's
advert that featured the the magazine Space Voyager in the early 80's issues, was for the chain of hobby and model shops 'Beatties', such was the enjoyment of model making at the time.
was on the lookout for toys, model kits, and Video tapes from these
new cartoons. (That's my gateway into Japanimation\Anime.
Taylor & McKenna'
[NOTE: Crusher Joe Mecha as Battletech Kits:- the “Galleon” Tank (kept its name for
Battletech); the robot scout walker “Ostall” (scaled-up and
renamed the Locust for Battletech); the “Harpy” space
fighter (Battletech Samurai
aerospace fighter ); and the “Siren” space fighter
(Battletech Corsair Aerospace Fighter).]
[NOTE: In issue 17 of Space Voyager that was on sale in September of 1985, there were NO advertisements of any Robot model kits, nor model shops selling SF models, how odd..!]
[NOTE: In issue 17 of Space Voyager that was on sale in September of 1985, there were NO advertisements of any Robot model kits, nor model shops selling SF models, how odd..!]
The World of Science Fiction scale model making, got a massive shot in the arm in late 1983 and at its height in 1984, from independent importers based in the England
28/12/2022 No reply from my e-mails asking for help in finding UK retailers that sell their imported Anime scale model kits!
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What an awesome read this was!
ReplyDeleteI am on a little quest at the moment and I wonder if you might be able to help...
Appreciate that this is an odd one, but I'm trying to identify the fins/stabilisers on this kitbashed model.
The owner told me he built it in 1987, using an assortment of bits scavenged from a load of toys and model kits his friend brought back from the Tokyo Toy Fair. A couple of lines he recalls seeing were Zoids and Transformers-looking toys and kits but I haven’t found a match amongst them.
I’m hoping they will be familiar to someone in the hobby and am trying to cast as wide a net as I can. If not, I’d appreciate any alternative kit lines you think I should investigate so recommendations are welcome!
Potentially of note:
• Its injection moulded plastic that I think was cast in white.
• The notches where the trailing sides meet the body and the raised circles on the undersides are the most distinct features. If the circles aren't just present for visual interest, perhaps they're pegs used to secure when gluing?
• There is an errant bit of plastic on the back of the white-striped one remaining. This is just where it was cut off the runner so we know it once lived on a sprue. I know some 80s toys like Transformers and Diaclone stuff had accompanying accessories on sprue.
• There doesn’t appear to be any panel details.
• Its shape is unmodified.