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Tuesday, 24 September 2013
Manga in the 80's Pt. 6
of the North Star. Written by Buronson and illustrated by Tetsuo
Hara, published by Viz Comics from April 1989 to December 1989 (that was taken from a serialized
Weekly Shonen Jump from 1984
to 1988), initially ran for 8 monthly Issues covering the first 16
chapters (out of a possible 245 chapters). Then from November 1995 to July 1997, with the additional 20 issues.
Set in a
post-apocalyptic world not unlike the1981 film 'Mad
Max 2: The Road
Warrior' where order and civilisation have broken down and Warlords
and their gangs prey on the weak in a fast nuclear wasteland! Two
schools of rival Marshal-arts the Southern Star & the Northern
Star emerge and our hero Kenshiro
is trained in this most lethal fighting style of the Northen Star
overloading your opponent's body's own chi when attacking its
acupressure points with the result being incredibly violent and gory
with organs, muscles, and bone exploding, bodies splitting apart!
Kenshiro champinions the weak, as he walks the wasteland taking-out one Warlord and their gangs one after the other!
Illustrator; Tetsuo Hara
In 1989 the 8 issues of FIST of the NORTH STAR.
[NOTE: This closing letter from the Editor "Viz, however, is committed to giving the English reader a taste of as many different manga as is possible, and, unfortunately, our production schedule can only support a few titles at any one time.", Little did they know at the time that it would be not until November of 1995 when Ken's story would continue! Being a hiatus of 62 Months between chapters, the longest in Viz comics history.]
Still in 1989, making use to promote a Nintendo game released in the USA.
Fist of the North Star by TAXAN for NINTENDO
Fist Of The North Star,
by 'ELECTRO BRAIN', for the Nintendo GAME BOY.
I only ever picked up
2 issues of the comic-book back in the day, but I do still love the
animated movie!
Issues 1 TO 8.
Part TWO 1995\1996
Issues 1 TO 8.
Part THREE 1996
Issues 1 TO 5.
Part FOUR 1996
Issues 1 TO 7.
[NOTE: as of November 2022 I now have a complete set of the 1990's Viz comics of the manga 'Fist of the North Star'.]
Fist of the North Star 1989 to 1997.
VIZ comics, Trade Paper Back (TPB\graphic novel)
Postcard of the manga of 'Fist Of the North Star' to Promote the animated movie.
Island World Communications LTD. UK
(1991, 1992 would see a NEW Label called MANGA VIDEO).
FIST OF THE NORTH STAR (the movie) release date 30 March 1992
from the NEW Label called MANGA VIDEO.
The year is 1992, and the place is the United Kingdom, 5 months after the Video release of 'AKIRA' (that SOLD 30,000 units) the Newly formed label called "MANGA VIDEO" would release FIST OF THE NORTH STAR (the 1986 animated movie) on the 30th. of March 1992 as their premiere launch title!
"A cartoon that is full of explosions, blood, guts and gore"
"Definitely not a cartoon for kids, but following the success of AKIRA this is worth supporting"
"Mike Preece" (Island World's Sales and Marketing Manager) can be quoted as saying, - "most of the titles are based on best-selling Japanese sci-fi comics."; "The releases are likely to have 15 or 18 ratings because of the violence."
"Manga titles were perfect for video rental because the target audience fitted the typical renter profile of males aged between 18 and 24."
"AKIRA - Released last October (1991), has sold 30,000 units" (as reported in February\March 1992).
[NOTE: 5 months from when AKIRA was released on VHS Video...the NEW label 'Manga Video' was born]
Manga Video
Running time 112 minutes; [pal VHS]
Certificate 18,
release date 30 March 1992
Retail price £12.99 (Dealer price £8.84)
"new label dedicated exclusively to Japanese animation - aimed squarely at the discerning teenage and adult comic fan."
1991's November issue of 'EMPIRE' magazine, writes; "Katsushiro's attention to detail and grasp of human movement is enhanced by his decision to mirror conventional filmmaking's camera angles, use of focus-pulling and editing techniques." - "the animation is some of the most accomplished ever"
TOP VIDEO 1991 Writes; "Manga, the Japanese word for comic, is a publishing phenomenon. A multibillion dollar industry in Japan, with an estimated circulation of 1.75 billion copies, Manga comics captivate tens of millions of fans."
.Consumer advertising in comic & heavy metal music press,
. Postcard insert in Anime Day March 1992 programme (festival of Japanese animation),
. Extensive P.O.S. including sleeves, A2 posters, full colour window stickers, t-shirts,
.Screening at the prestigious Cardiff International Animation Festival to be held in March,
. Free gift pack available inside each video cassette including transfers and character profiles.
. Editorial coverage and competitions in the specialist video/film/comic/music & style press/national & regional newspapers, tv and radio.
. Features will be running in the comic press announcing the launch of the MANGA label and discussing the unprecedented public demand for Japanese animation.
Fist of the North Star released on September 25th. 1995, is an American direct-to-video movie.
Directed by Tony Randel (co-script writer), Peter Atkins (co-script writer),
Staring; Gary Daniels, Malcolm McDowell, Chris Penn, Isako Washio and Costas Mandylor.
[NOTE: A Japanese Dub was released in April 21, 1995 (Japan), and the American release was in
February 2, 1996 (US).]
[NOTE: This live action film can also be found second-hand as a DVD..., as well as on VHS.]
Fist of the North Star USA 1996 90Min.
Exclusively Distributed in CANADA by LIONS GATE Home Entertainment
Canadian Home Video Rating 'R'
Issue 7, part Four. June '97.
[NOTE: Now, after the second 'hiatus' some 23 years later, Viz Comics (VIZ MEDIA) once again gives fans FIST OF THE NORTH STAR.]
Volume ONE Hardcover – 22 July 2021.
Volume TWO Hardcover – 11 Nov. 2021.
Volume THREE Hardcover – 17 Feb. 2022.
Volume FOUR Hardcover – 12 May 2022.
[NOTE: as of writing 14th. December 2022 the LATEST Volume to be printed is number 6 on the 27th. October. 2022, with another 4 volumes in 2023.]
Saturday, 21 September 2013
Manga in the 80's Pt. 5
Heavy Metal Warrior XENON. Written and illustrated by Masaomi Kanzaki. Ran for 23 Biweekly Issues from December 1987 to November 1988 by Eclipse International\Viz Comics completing the story arc. Taken from serialization in Shonen Big that started in1985.
[reprinted in volumes (1 to 4) and
owned by Viz Communications in 1992]

Now the deemed the 'ultimate project'
and labelled 'Xenon', Asuka has become two fully integrated
creatures, one mechanical, and one Human, and after his escapee from
the Bloody Sea's laboratory, he is hunted by those employed with a
psyche found in nature of violence, bloody violence (volunteers to be
man-machines), all is not lost as his High School friends try and
help him regain his identity and memories, and as luck would have it
the girl with the schoolgirl crush on him has a Grandfather who is a
scientist (a little off his could say) with a fully
equipped mansion laboratory.
The action of blood and oil, wires and
sinew took place over comic-book panels where the art replaced the
dialogue in telling the story (the Manga style).
[You will find this a reoccurring theme
of “man and machine” is part of the Japanese national Psyche. In
understanding industrialisation, and a hope for a better tomorrow.]
[A forthcoming book in January of 1988
from the pen of Frederik L. Schodt entitled 'Inside the robot
Kingdom: Japan, Mechatronics and the coming Robotopia' would give us
all an insight into this fascination of Japanese obsession with Mr.
[Later in 5 Issue had another two page
article appeared, this time written by Abra L. Numata from the Viz
Communication Inc.'s editorial team. It was all about the Manga
industry and the Japanese art style that has a storyboard\cinematic
look and feel to it, and the up and coming emergence in1983\1984 of
leaders progressing the Japanese Manga comic-book to new levels,
(Translated examples of this 'new wave' of comics are given as AKIRA
& GREY), and the article explained how they were editorially put
together for a English readership (very interesting).]
[NOTE: Masaomi Kanzaki's only other manga printed in English was " STREET FIGHTER II", and published in 1994 (April to September).]
[UPDATE: Collection of issues 1 to 23 now complete, including all four Trade paperbacks.]
Heavy Metal Warrior XENON.
Issues 1 to 8.
[As of AUGUST 2022, I have yet to find any issues of "STREET FIGHTER II", nor a TPBs of this Manga, that is attributed to Masaomi Kanzaki.]
Thursday, 19 September 2013
Manga in the 80's Pt. 4
Mai, the Psychic Girl. Written by Kazuya Kudo and illustrated by Ryoichi Ikegami. Ran for 28 Biweekly Issues from May 1987 to July 1988 by Eclipse International\Viz Comics completing the story arc.
This beautifully illustrated style from
Ryoichi Ikegami that has a very realistic look and feel to it unlike
the Bambi eyes and angular chins of other later manga artists, was
most welcome to the fledgling manga audience in telling the plight
of this 14 year old heroin Mai Kuju. Whose Psychic powers are bringing
unwanted attention from two rival secret organisations; “The Wisdom
Alliance”, and the “Kaieda Agency” as she maybe the
Worlds strongest Esper!
She fights with the speed of thought with enough Psychic energy to explode
your organs in protecting her father and friends from others with Psychic powers!
[NOTE: The manga "Akira" Issue Number 1 was not printed in English until August 1st. 1988, one month after Mai had finished, with its theme of cognitive powers.]
[NOTE: Titan books Ltd in1989 had permission
to print the 4 volumes that combined all the material in to a digest
format (this did include a previously omitted nude scene).]
[Mai, has been reprinted in a range of numbered volumes by Viz over the years.]
[UPDATE: Collection of issues 1 to 28 now complete]
Genealogy of Manga;
"Mai, the Psychic girl", Written by Kazuya Kudo
(who also Wrote ”Pineapple Army“). Manga-in-80s-pt-2 Pineapple Army.
"Mai, the Psychic girl" was illustrated by Ryoichi Ikegami
(Ryoichi Ikegami's later illustrations can be seen in the English translated Manga of "Crying Freeman" & of "Sanctuary"). Manga-in-80s-pt-17 Crying Freeman.
Literary study Pages, to follow;
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
Manga in the 80's Pt. 3
88”, Is so much more than “Top Gun”, so don't dismiss it as a
War comic-book, or just a Jet fighter action comic-book, you will
find the Story and Art are done by Kaoru Shintani (who's Japanese
serialization started back in 1978) was first republished in May
1987 by Eclipse International\Viz Comics as a Biweekly (of the
possible 172 Issues it was cancelled at 42).
What you do find is comic-book
storytelling from the passion
of one man, as you follow Shin Kazama a Jet fighter pilot in a
mercenary force, willing to risk his life for the money!
The money to
buy himself out, having been conned in to being a Merc. by his friend
from aviation school (shin was top of his class, and going out with
daughter of an Airline magnate) who was jealous!

soon find out that Shin's 3 year contract has a price to buy-out of
at $1.5 million, the trouble is will he live that long to fly all
those Missions, will the constant repairs to aircraft diminish his
hopes (hopes of going home, and seeing the girl he loves), or will
the endless battles turn him in to a heartless killer as he becomes
the ace pilot of the mercenary force, and only the thrill of life is
Avionic action, comedic moments, tragedy, and romance, have found a good home hear.
Avionic action, comedic moments, tragedy, and romance, have found a good home hear.
[1987 was when comic-book companies
started to take the risk of translating manga form Japan, and
republishing it in a familiar format for the West.]
[Shin has greatness shoved upon him, as
an unforeseen and reluctant Hero, this is a reoccurring theme in Japanese storytelling.]
[AREA88 is well known in Japan, with 2
Anime series (1985 & 2005) and a theatrical
Monday, 16 September 2013
Manga in the 80's Pt. 2
“what did I get and read?” was of
course sorted out (picked & chosen) by individuals from the
comic-book the companies themselves or as in the case of Toren Smith who
formed a company solely to translate the cream of the crop of
Japanese Manga, and in doing so showed the variety of art styles and
that of the Japanese story telling.
[I'm sure you all know how fast the
amount of Japanese manga was (and still is) printed in Japan.]
With the ubiquitous access to the World
Wide Web millions of manga comic-books are at people's fingertips
translated or not, how are the late 90's and 2000's generations of
fans and beyond find what is good rather than mediocre Fan-service
with the art style made popular by CLAMP studios that is so prominent
With the post war (second World War)
generations of manga artists and storytellers retiring or no longer
with us, and with many translated works are still out of print, I
hope you will still accompany me in rediscovering the time-capsule
when all was new and exciting!
So from the violent feudal world of “Lone Wolf and Cub” to “Pineapple Army”, not like the most popular genres for a Western audience whose diet of Super Hero vigilantes are more common.
"Pineapple Army" introduces us to “Operation One – Goshi: The Preceptor” published on the 6th, of December 1988 by Viz Comics as a Biweekly mini-series spanning 10 issues Ending April 1989. English Cover art by Darren Ching, and Translation by James D. Hudnall & Satoru Fujii.
One Volume released in 1990 (out of a possible 10).
Written by Kazuya Kudo as a side-work alongside the very popular manga
“Yawara” and illustrated by Naoki Urasawa, (Naoki Urasawa, who also illustrated “Mai,
the Psychic girl”) was originally Published and serialized by Shogakukan from 1986
to 1988.
A police detective is run down and kill by an unknown assailant leaving 4 daughters to fend for themselves in New York City and a crime boss threatening to kill them! Jed Goshi takes the job not of a bodyguard but of an instructor, to get the girls combat ready! He's ex-military, a man who trains others to defend themselves on the condition that he never gets involved, but he can not stay detached and uninvolved for very long. You might say equalizes the odds of his threatened clients!!
[That's December 1988 to April 1989 for the USA & UK],
[UPDATE: Collection of issues 1 to 10 is now complete]
It is not the 'The A-Team', nor is it Edward Woodward's 'The Equalizer '
"To our reader"
"Operation One"
Is the future post 2020, now ready for a re-boot, and re-issue?
Urban action in ONE Volume.
[UPDATE: Collection of issues 1 to 10 now complete.]
At last I have all 10 issues.
Cover by,
Genealogy of Manga;
"Pineapple Army", Written by Kazuya Kudo
(who also Wrote “Mai, the Psychic girl”) Manga-in-80s-pt-17 Mai the Psychic girl.
"Pineapple Army" was illustrated by Naoki Urasawa,
( as a side-work alongside the very popular Japanese printing of the manga “Yawara!” and that would spring an Anime entitled "Yawara! A Fashionable Judo Girl!". that he had written and illustrated by himself,)
Naoki Urasawa (Wiki Link)
[NOTE: it is a joy to hunt down these old Manga-comic-books, and for the most part can by quite cheap too for the less well known and not in print ones.]
Pineapple Army's, additional information taken from the comic book single issues.
English version:-
Published by; Viz Communications Inc.
Viz Comics Mini-series BIWEEKY $1.75 USA $2.50 CAN (EVERY TWO WEEKS)
Translation; James D, Hudnall & Satoru Fujii
Cover Illustrations; Darren Ching
First published in Japan, in 1988
English publication 6th. December 1988 to April 1989
English TPB publication, was One Volume of 290 pages ($16.95 USA $24.25 CAN) 1990?
QUOTE: promoting the TPB, from the Translator: "Pineapple Army Is something I can believe in. The character of Jed Goshi is a real person, full of complexity and purpose.
There are people in these stories, not angst-ridden cape-wearers who spout monologues as they bash a villain's head in" - JAMES HUDNALL
Time to express an opinion (post 2020);
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