The Anime Nostalgia Facility UK
- About
- Gallery
- Blog
- Reviews.
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- Timeline DATA FACTS
- Video Room
- 1992 Anime Day 0092 Con in the pocket.
- ConTanimeT 1992 October 2-4, 1992.
- Manga Mainia July 1993-
- 1993 Anime Day File 3 The Con that bit its tongue.
- ContAnimeTed October 22-24, 1993
- KISEKI Films 1993-1996
- 1994 Anime Day: FLASHBACK (Memories of Macross)
- D-CONTAMINET 14th -16th October 1994
- BSFA's Matrix
- ReConTanimeTed 3-5 NOVEMBER 1995
- 90's Fans questionaire.
- PROJECT L-CON, - L-KCon, - L-Kon, 18th. June
- PIONEER LDCE UK 1994-1998
- AnimeUK Magazine December 1991
- AnimeUK Magazines 1992
New visitors please read this Blog from Old to New using Chronoblog, the past is important!
Friday, 28 July 2023
AnimeUK Magazines 1992 -
AnimeUK Magazines in 1992
Number 2 SPRING (JUNE/JULY) 1992
Click on the above TAB "AnimeUK Magazine 1992"
Click on this link, 'AnimeUK Magazines 1992'.
To save on scrolling, if there are multipule years when the magazines were published, then each year of Publication will have its own Page\TAB.
[NOTE: Once I have a good understanding of what issues were printed in Volumes 1, 2, and 3, and the rebooted in the NEW Series, it is my hope to upload them.]
Showing some of the 'Classics',
and AFX Subscription.
Saturday, 22 July 2023
AnimeUK Magazine DEC91
AnimeUK Magazine December 1991
In the Winter of 1991\1992 'AnimeUK Magazine' was first published, costing about £3.50?
With 30 numbered pages, excluding the front and back 4 side pages.
Click on the above TAB "AnimeUK Magazine December 1991"
Click on this link, AnimeUK Magazine 1.
[NOTE: it would be June\July of 1992 for the Spring issue, number 2, and issue number 3 was to be on sale on the 8th. of August 1992, as it was hoped to be a quarterly publication.]
[NOTE: No Barcode, and No ISBN number, for this publication.]
Monday, 17 July 2023
Four to six issues per year.
With owning a copy of "Complete UK anime guide UK-PAL by Geoff Cowie "1994\5. that would inform me that the reviews writen by Geoff Cowie, had first been printed in the SF Newszine Critical Wave, so off I went to find copies of those zines...!
Having found and paid for copies of 'Critical Wave' from e-bay, 5 issues, numbers 33 to 37;
(33 November 1993, 34 March 1994, 35 May 1994, 36 July 1994, 37 August 1994).
Convention listings, and those UK Retail (VHS) Anime reviews writen by Geoff Cowie are there, as well as Geoff's thoughts on the Anime scene in the UK.
Scroll up and click on the Tab 'CRITICAL WAVE'.
Monday, 10 July 2023
WARNING; ON GOING investigation, to conferm Attendees!
18 JUN 1994: PROJECT L-KON. (One Day Anime Convention)
Having first found an old computer printout, showing electronic correspondance in 1994, then finding an online archive of a Fanzine ( ANIMEJIN 4), and now owning issues of the SF Newszine 'Critical Wave' that also printed details, I feel safe to publish it to its own page Project l-con l-kcon l-kon 18th june 1994 what I have found, and in the hope that more will come to light, but after 30 years or more this may proove difficult.
See the Tab above; PROJECT L-CON, - L-KCon, - L-Kon, 18th. June
18 JUN 1994: PROJECT L-KON. Anime Con, Liverpool University, 9.30am - late. Att. £5.00 in advance, £10.00 on the door.
Contact: c/o LUSF3 University of Liverpool, Guild of students, 2 Bedford Way, Liverpool L69
[NOTES: This was the first Anime convention listing in 'CRITICAL WAVE' May 1994 issue 35. page 18.]
[NOTE: As of Monday 10th. July 2023 Liverpool's University's 'Special Collections and Archives department' have not found any details, and I haven't been able to find any evidence that the event took place?]
[NOTE: I must THANK Leah Holmes as she has been investigating on my behalf, as my Cancer is affecting my voice.]
[NOTES: JULY 2023; "Thank you for your email to my colleague Tom. We have now conducted a search of the online catalogue of the University Archive in order to identify material which may be relevant to the topic and date range of your enquiry, including the following material: GLD/1 - Administrative Records A161 - ’List of Society files’ compiled by Union Manager's Office GLD/4/2 - Records of Individual Societies/Clubs Unfortunately, a search of these records has failed to return any relevant results for the Science Fiction Society or the specific event in 1994. Similarly, keyword searches of the Online Catalogue for ‘Anime’, ‘Project L-Kon/L-Con’ and ‘LUSF3’ have not indicated any relevant material. It is very unfortunate that we could not provide better news today, however please do not hesitate to let us know of any further queries, we are happy to help. Best wishes, Thomas".]
Friday, 30 June 2023
By the end of June 2023, my recording was building up of Pioneer's move into VHS and OVA Animes in the UK, starts to see more uploaded information. Please go and look.
Photos and text information, can be found by clicking this link:- Pioneer LDCE 1994 -
The above tab 'PIONEER LDCE UK 1993-1998'
Thursday, 22 June 2023
ReConTanimeTed 3-5 NOVEMBER 1995
ReConTanimeTed 3-5 NOVEMBER 1995.
The Forth Anime convention at the Grand Hotel, in Birmingham, England.
Photos and text information, can be found by clicking this link ReConTanimeTed 3-5 November 1995
the above tab ' ReConTanimeTed 3-5 NOVEMBER 1995'
D-CONTAMINET 14th -16th October 1994
D-CONTAMINET 14th -16th October 1994 Birmingham, England.
"Birmingham's third annual anime convention that took place on the 14th to 16th October at the Grand Hotel in 1994.
Photos and text information, can be found by clicking this link D-ContamineT 14th-16th October 1994
the above tab 'D-CONTAMINET 14th -16th October 1994'